BCS has approximately 70,000 members, with growing influence across government and industry. We are a ‘not for profit’ charitable organisation, operating within a Royal Charter, yet with strongly performing business activities. Our ambition is to “Make IT Good for Society”, achieved through our many initiatives, from education to commercial and public service IT delivery.  We are a voice respected world-wide for independence and influence.

Each year we seek applications for the position of Deputy President – we are now looking to appoint the next Deputy President to commence the role in March 2026. The Deputy President is a one-year appointment, and it is expected that the person elected will then take office as BCS President the following year, also for one year.  In the following year, the person will become Immediate Past President and Senior Trustee.

The successful candidate will have an opportunity to make a significant contribution to shaping the future IT industry, in the UK and beyond. This is a prestigious and high-profile position.  You may be from any IT background - academia, business, non-for-profit or public sectors, but will bring a track record of visible and inspirational leadership.  You will have the credibility and the capability to represent the whole IT profession, with significant responsibility of working at the highest levels, in any sector.  Media and influencing skills are essential, as well as the ability to chair the Trustee Board.

The appointment does require commitment in time - typically an average of two/three days per week (but flexibly), and you are expected to be an existing BCS Professional Member, subscribing to our values and our Royal Charter.  Some international travel is likely during the year as President.  The role is not remunerated, however, all reasonable travel and out-of-pocket expenses will be paid.

If you wish to apply or discuss the role further, please contact the BCS Nominations Committee Chair, via the Registrar Department at registrar@bcs.uk

BCS is committed to improving equality and diversity in the profession. We therefore welcome applications from candidates who are under-represented, such as women, ethnic minority groups, people with disabilities, the LGBTQ+ community and people who are neurodiverse.

Applications should include your CV and a short statement to support your candidature (2 A4 pages maximum for each) and a completed application form by 12 noon on Wednesday 16th April 2025.

Application form 

Role specification