Step 1 - what do you want to get out of it?

The aim of your first year of training is to get QTS - you need it to teach in the UK and every programme should provide this at a minimum. The majority of providers also offer a PGCE which counts as 1/3 of a Masters qualification. A PGCE qualification will help you develop your pedagogy skills; preparing you for the classroom, it is also recognised internationally, enabling you to teach in many countries.

Step 2 - I know what I want - but how do I get there?

Understanding all the different routes into teaching is a challenge. To gain a bursary there are essentially two routes; school based SCITT (School Centred Initial Teacher Training), and University led. In both of these you are usually placed in two schools spend week blocks studying, spending a minimum of 120 days as per the DFE guidelines. A SCITT will not necessarily award a PGCE whilst a University will. The University route will give you time to learn about the theory of teaching before putting it into practice, whereas a SCITT you will start in the school on the first day. Essentially, everyone learns differently and the route that works for you may not work for someone else!

Step 3 - Where are all these providers?

Head over to DFE Apply to search for providers near you. Alternatively, most local authorities will give you a list of providers in your area. Once you got a list of potential providers you can start researching them - see what type of training they provide, understand the type of schools you’ll be in and get a feel for their style of teaching. This is also a great time to get some school experience under your belt! School experience will enhance your application and give you a real sense of what’s to come.

Step 4 - Location, Location, Location

We all know the school day doesn’t really finish at 3 o’clock! You’ll be busy marking, planning, researching and essay writing... so avoid a long commute where possible.

Step 5 - Decisions?!

Some key points to think about once you’ve got the provider short list:

  1. Check the school and provider Ofsted report - you can find these on the relevant websites
  2. See what schools the provider works with - are they near you? Are they schools you’d be happy working at? You can ask these questions at interview or at an event they are hosting
  3. Network - see if you can talk to someone completing or who has completed the course. They’ll help to give you a first-hand account of what to expect from the provider and the course
  4. Once you’ve had some interviews, reflect on them. The ways interviews are conducted will give you a good feel for what to expect come September - take all the help and support you can get, choosing a supportive provider will make your ITT year a lot easier.