BCS Practitioner Certificate in Systems Modelling Techniques
Develop valuable practical skills by constructing three types of model and demonstrating the interactions between them from varying perspectives.
Who is it for?
- Anyone who is involved in any aspect of systems modelling.
Entry requirements
- None.
What will I learn?
- Justify the need for IT system modelling and modelling techniques.
- Explain why it is important to model IT system requirements from different perspectives.
- Develop models of system functionality. These models should be either process models with supporting process descriptions or use case diagrams with supporting use case descriptions.
- Develop models of system data. These models should be either entity relationship models or analysis class models, both with supporting descriptions.
- Develop a dynamic model. This model should be either an entity life history showing the effect of events on an entity or a sequence diagram showing the realisation of a use case.
- Evaluate selected models against business objectives and system requirements.
- Appreciate how the selected models inter-relate with each other.
- Describe how the products of analysis feed into the design and development of a system.
The syllabus includes training objectives, details of modules and learning hours, plus a recommended reading list:
Download our latest syllabus (PDF)
What format is the exam?
- One hour 'open book' with 15 minutes reading time
- Written, based on a business scenario
- Pass mark is 50%
This qualification is not regulated by the following United Kingdom Regulators - Ofqual, Qualifications Wales, CCEA Regulation or SQA.