‘All professional IT workers should be aware of and seek CITP status.’

Responders could select more than one answer, and in doing so demonstrated a definite appetite for this approach. The top answer was cybersecurity (74%); and this was followed by AI (63%) and CIOs (48%).

We also had a wide selection of suggestions on other areas that would benefit from the accountability that chartered status ensures. This ranged from, ‘all employees’ to ‘all IT activity that delivers to society.’

One commenter asked: ‘Can anyone really be accountable in today’s vastly changing world?’ To which BCS would answer a resounding yes.

And the range of other suggestions for chartered recognition bears that out too. For example ‘any system development requiring mission- or safety-critical applications’ and anyone in the ‘C-suite especially where digital/IT sits under another portfolio and/or a low maturity organisation.’

For good measure business analysis, business intelligence, IT managers, programme managers, project managers, architects, IT portfolio management, IT supply chain management, quality assurance (testing of functionality), software engineers, and strategy heads were also listed.

Chart showing disciplines and roles

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