• Among leaders the top three technology priorities for 2024 are cybersecurity (69% placed in top 3), artificial intelligence (AI) (58%), and business process automation (45%)
  • Digital professionals (non-management) also ranked the same three technologies as leaders in their top three in the same order. However, the proportions choosing each one in their top three is lower in each case: cybersecurity (55%), AI (53%) and business process automation (43%)
  • Only 8% of participants think their organisation has enough resources to achieve their priorities
  • 65% of respondents feel that their organisation needs enhanced IT capability and skills in existing workforce in order to achieve their priorities
  • Cyber security/attacks is most likely to keep respondents awake at night, when considering upcoming changes and trends in the IT industry (41% of leaders and 21% of digital professionals)
  • 72% of participants disagreed with Elon Musk's statement that AI will eventually be able to do all jobs.