• Women accounted for 51% of the working age population (those aged 16-64) in 2023, 48% of those in work and 44% of the unemployed.
  • There were 420,000 female IT specialists in the UK in 2023 – 21% of all IT specialists in the UK at that time.
  • If gender representation in IT were equal to the workforce 'norm' there would have been an additional 550,000 IT specialists in the UK.
  • Less than 1% of IT specialists are Black females.
  • The level of female representation in IT varies by job type - from around one in twenty IT engineers (6% of the total over the 2019-23 period), to around one in three IT project/ programme managers and web designers/ developers (i.e. 30% in each case).
  • At 2.5% the associated unemployment rate for female IT specialists was notably higher that for males normally working in the IT field (1.8%) but still well below the overall unemployment rate for women in the UK (3.8%).
  • The incidence of self-employment amongst female IT specialists (5%) was slightly below than recorded by men working in IT positions (7%).
  • By industry, gender representation for IT specialists was worst amongst construction firms in 2023 where women accounted for just 10% of those in IT roles.
  • Female IT specialists were more than three times more likely to be working part-time than males during 2023 (i.e. 10% versus 3%) – most often as they did not want full-time work.
  • At £23 per hour, the median hourly earnings for female IT specialists in 2023 was 6% less than that recorded for males working in IT positions (for those working as employees).
  • In 2023, male/female IT specialists (that were employees) were equally likely to be in ‘positions with responsibility’ (40% in each case).
  • Three-quarters of IT specialists held some form of HE level qualification in 2023 - the proportion higher amongst women than men (80% of females and 73% of males).
  • Just 4% of female IT specialists held some form of IT degree compared with 11% of their male counterparts.
  • The most common means of IT specialists (male/female) securing a job during the 2019-23 period was by ‘replying to an advertisement’ (40% and 31% respectively).