BCS the Chartered Institute for IT in the UK, has over 70,000 members worldwide and growing influence across government and business. The Institute’s Nominations Committee is seeking applications for the position of Vice-President / Chair Academy of Computing Board, to commence the role at the close of the AGM in March 2026 for a three year term of office.

In recent years the Academy has made a significant contribution to UK education by authoring the Computing National Curriculum in England and supporting teachers through ‘Computing at School (CAS)’.  The Academy is also heavily engaged in the review of accreditation of higher education qualifications.  The objective of the Academy is to be guided by the principles of the Royal Charter to use influence to scrutinize and enhance the links and work in Higher Education.

The ability to devote substantial time to furthering the work of the Academy of Computing is vital, with an average time commitment of approximately two days per month. The role is not remunerated, but travel and out-of-pocket expenses will be paid. Candidates will be a Member of the Institute and subscribe to its values and Royal Charter.  

If you wish to apply or discuss the role further, please contact the BCS Nominations Committee Chair, via the Registrar Department at registrar@bcs.uk

BCS is committed to improving equality and diversity in the profession. We therefore welcome applications from candidates who are under-represented, such as women, ethnic minority groups, people with disabilities, the LGBTQ+ community and people who are neurodiverse.

Applications should include your CV and a short statement to support your candidature (2 A4 pages maximum for each), and a completed application form by 12 noon on Wednesday 16th April 2025.

View the role specification