List of Grand Challenges
Each Challenge Moderator with his/her collaborators set up a Network, or is exploited an existing Network, together with a series of Workshops. They aim was to reach broad agreement on how best to promote high-quality research in the topics of their Challenge.
The intended outcome in each case was to develop background documentation, feasibility studies, and a Roadmap of strategic directions.
The Moderators of Challenges GC2 and GC4 (involving different aspects of ubiquitous computing) agreed to combine them, and to add a new theme on human experience; the resulting Challenge GC2/4 had a new title.
A small committee for each Challenge was set up to carry it forward, together with an overall Steering Committee. Each Committee has elected a Chair.
The Committees and Chairs are listed below:
GC0 -Steering (Initial membership) | Wendy Hall (Southampton, Chair) Alan Bundy (Edinburgh) Tom Rodden (Nottingham) Joe Sventek (Glasgow) |
GC1 - In Vivo In Silico | Andrew Bangham (East Anglia, Chair) Luca Cardelli (Microsoft) |
GC2/4 - Ubiquitous Computing: Experience, Design and Science | Morris Sloman (Imperial, Chair) Dan Chalmers (Sussex) Jon Crowcroft (Cambridge) Marta Kwiatkowska (Oxford) Robin Milner (Cambridge) Tom Rodden (Nottingham) Vladimiro Sassone (Sussex) |
GC3 - Memories for Life | Nigel Shadbolt (Southampton, Chair) Andrew Fitzgibbon (Oxford) Wendy Hall (Southampton) Ian Horrocks (Manchester) Ehud Reiter (Aberdeen) |
GC5 - The Architecture of Brain & Mind | Leslie Smith (Stirling, Chair) Steve Furber (Manchester) Mark Lee (Aberystwyth) Murray Shanahan (Imperial) Anthony Cohn (Leeds) Stephen Muggleton (Imperial) Patrick Courtney (Perkin Elmer) Jim Cunningham (Imperial) Ron Chrisley (Sussex) |
GC6 - Dependable Systems Evolution | Peter O'Hearn (Queen Mary, Chair) Cliff Jones (Newcastle) Jim Woodcock (York) |
GC7 - Journeys in Nonclassical Computation | Susan Stepney (York, Chair) Samson Abramsky (Oxford) Andrew Adamatzky (W. of England) Colin Johnson (Kent) Jon Timmis (York) |
GC8 - Learning for Life | Josie Taylor (OU, Chair) Tom Boyle (London Metropolitan) Hugh Davis (Southampton) Mike Sharples (Nottingham) |
GC9 - Bringing the Past to Life for the Citizen | David Arnold (Brighton, Chair) David Duce (Oxford Brooks) Andrew Day (UEA) Alan Chalmers (Warwick) Phil Willis (Bath) |