South West branch: Committee
Here are the members of the South West branch committee.
Jon Cotton BSc(Hons) CITP MBCS MCDI
I’m a qualified Project Manager and Chartered IT Professional (CITP) with a Certificate of Current Competence (CoCC) who has worked in the private, public and academic sectors since graduating from the University of Plymouth in 2007.
I have spent most of my career holding various roles with a central theme of Business and/or Systems Analysis in the UK defence industry working for the Babcock International Group (BIG). This has given me varied responsibilities, many unique experiences and a great deal of subject matter knowledge.
Outside of BIG I’m also a registered company director, volunteer as a Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) Ambassador and spend my spare time either working on automotive applications or generally tinkering away in the workshop.
Secretary/Email coordinator
Patrick Roberts MBCS
I currently hold a number of positions on the committee of North London Branch for over 22 years.
Inclusion Officer
Georgina Daugherty AMBCS
Bio to follow.
Early Careers Advocates
Alex Woods AMBCS and Iain Tendell RITTech MBCS
Bios to follow.
Committee members
Alastair Revell BSc(Hons) CEng CITP MBCS FRSA FIAP EurIng
Alastair Revell, a mathematics graduate, is the Chairman and Managing Consultant of Revell Research Systems, a management and technology consulting practice that he established in 1985.
He is a Chartered IT Professional (holding a Certificate of Current Competence), a Chartered Engineer and a European Registered Engineer.
Alastair is keen to see the BCS Organisational Membership Scheme developed to attract smaller IT firms and to strengthen the Institute’s links with communities outside the BCS.
Neil Winter MBCS
Bio to follow.
Ogechukwu Muodiaju MBCS
Bio to follow.
Richard Henson CITP CEng FBCS
Bio to follow.