Welcome to our group!

We are the largest non-profit testing community in the UK.

We organise SIGIST conferences and meetings regularly, both online and in person. Our events connect leading thinkers on the topic of testing with practitioners; they are an opportunity to hear about new problems, ideas and techniques. We work hard to make our events accessible to everyone, however much experience they have in the field of testing. We also contribute to industry standards, other BCS groups, and the wider testing community.

If you want to get involved please do get in touch at groups@bcs.uk and include 'SIGiST' in the subject.

Nicola Martin FBCS FWES, Chair

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About us

We organise events throughout the year both face-to-face and online with invited speakers from across the UK, Europe and worldwide which have proven very popular with attendees. Our aim is to be the leading forum for promoting excellence in system and software testing and to achieve this we have objectives as follows:

  • Promoting the importance of testing;
  • Develop an awareness of good practices recognised within the industry;
  • Represent the interests of the Group’s members with other bodies;
  • Encourage research into testing;
  • Promote high standards of professionalism and excellence within testing; and
  • Promote diversity within the industry generally.