
David ReynoldsDavid Reynolds
David is an independent IT Management Consultant. He has an MBA and over 30 years in IS/IT and business change in a wide range of market sectors (including FMCG, Defence, Clothing, IT Services, Retail, Rail, Local Government) and IS functions - including setting up and managing project management departments. His company, KatAlyst Limited, provides IS and business consultancy and resources. He and his consultancy team have a strong interest in the people issues of managing change.

As the chair of PROMS-G, David ensures that members are provided with relevant information on current issues and PM techniques, as well as providing a forum for sharing best practice, lessons learned, etc., in order to enhance the professional status of Project Management within the IT and related industries.


Paula Clarendon
Paula has over 20 years wide ranging customer focused IT experience, in areas such as Project Management, Product Development, IT Training, and Enterprise Support. Her strategic management, organisational, and commercial awareness skills were also developed and utilised in roles spanning the not-for-profit, public and private sectors.

As someone who is naturally curious and a lifelong learner, Paula has been an active member of the BCS throughout her IT career. She contributes her knowledge, skills and experience for the benefit of BCS members. For example, on the PROMS-G Committee and as the former Chair of the BCS Council (2021-2022).

Paula proactively engages with, and seeks feedback from, PROMS-G members in order to advocate the needs and interests of the project management community within the committee and the wider BCS.


Amit Modhvadia
As Treasurer, Amit is responsible for keeping financial records of the group's activities, monitoring spend and preparing the annual budgets.

Regional Events

Assim Khokhar


Publicity Officer

Barbara Bell


Inclusion Officer

Enrico Corella


Early Careers Advocate

Barbara Bell


Committee Members

  • John Baker
  • Terry Freedman