Primary Health Care specialist group: Committee
Here are the members of the Primary Health Care specialist group committee.
With the exception of the President, Officers are elected at the PHCSG AGM and serve for a period of two years.
- Dr Nick Booth, President and FedIP Link
- Ian Thompson, Chair
- Miriam Lemar, Immediate Past Chair
- Dr Vije Rajput, Vice Chair
- Karen Johnson, Secretary
- Dr Nilesh Jain, Treasurer
- Steve Short, Vice-Treasurer
- Dr Mary Hawking, National Issues, CLICSIG Summariser and Website Officer
- Grizelda Moules MSc, MAMS, Dip TEFL, Events (Conference)
- Dr Paul Singer, Membership Secretary
- Dr Neill Jones, Professionalism
- Dai Evans, CLICSIG Chair
- James Roberts, Early Career and EDI
- Jennie Johnson, Events (CLICSIG) / Social Media and Publicity
- Dr Bhekizulu Bayana, Social Media and Publicity
- Richard Williams, University Liaison
- John Robinson, FCI Liaison
- Mike Clayton, DPHC (Defense Primary Care) Liaison
- Jung Yin Tsang, Primary Care Liaison
- Hartesh Battu, Member
Co-opted Committee Members
- Dr Arjun Dhillon, RCGP and NHS Digital
It is with great sadness that we report the death of Julian Costello a member of the committee and a long term member of the group.
The Committee consists of elected and co-opted PHCSG Members. The Committee normally meet four times a year to look at all group activities and discuss / decide upon the future direction of the Group Committee.
Most meetings are held virtually, the others are held at the London Offices of BCS.