We have over one thousand members, many within the top 100 companies. Our members come from a wide cross section of business including the accountancy and information technology professions, central and local government, the banking, manufacturing and service sectors, as well as academia, and overseas.

Anyone with an interest in information risk management and assurance is welcome. The wide interests of the group are reflected in our objectives which include:

  • To encourage research into the risk management of information systems and to promote the development of information risk management, control & assurance.
  • To provide a forum for the development of awareness and competence in information systems risk management.
  • To promote the efficient, effective and economical use of risk management within information systems.
  • To represent the interests of the Information Risk Management and Assurance specialist group to other bodies.
  • To be the primary focus for information risk management and assurance within the BCS.

We hold around a dozen events each year at the BCS London offices which are free of charge to all BCS members. We record events for subsequent viewing on the BCS YouTube channel which enables non-attendees to stay in touch with the latest information risk management and assurance techniques no matter where in the world they may be.

Objectives and constitution of IRMA Group

How you can find out more

You are welcome to attend any of our evening meetings to look us over, totally without charge or obligation.

Contact groups@bcs.uk for further details.


Please tell us what you think about BCS IRMA services: our website, events topics, videos, etc. We welcome all of your comments and suggestions.

Contact us