Information Retrieval specialist group: Governance
Under the constitution of the IRSG, the affairs of the group are managed by a committee that meets four times a year. The minutes of the committee meeting are published on the website.
Dr Ingo Frommholz FBCS, Reader in Data Science, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Vice Chair
Dr Graham McDonald MBCS
Lecturer in Information Retrieval at the University of Glasgow
Dr Sean MacAvaney MBCS
Monica Paramita
Lecturer in Data Science, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
Membership Secretary
Dr Haiming Liu
Associate Professor, University of Southampton, UK
Events Coordinator and Editor, Informer
Dr Tony Russell-Rose CITP CEng FBCS
Professor of Artificial Intelligence, Coburg University, Germany
Inclusion Officer
Yashar Moshfeghi
Senior Lecturer, University of Strathclyde, UK
Early Careers Advocate
Dr Andrew Hind MBCS
Committee Members
Gregor Donabauer
Professor Udo Kruschwitz
Dr Nicola Tonellotto
Dr Avishek Anand
Professor Iadh Ounis
Dr Anirban Chakraborty