Search Solutions (SS) is the BCS Information Retrieval Specialist Group’s annual event focused on practitioner issues in the arena of search and information retrieval.

Search Solutions consists of two parts: a tutorial day and a conference day. We invite tutorial proposals which focus on any area of the practical application of search technologies to real world problems, for the tutorial day due to take place on Tuesday 26th Nov 2024 before the conference day on Wednesday 27th Nov 2024.

Tutorials in previous years have included: designing usability for search, multimedia information retrieval, evaluation, pattern search, city search in SmartCities, text analysis, introduction to natural language processing and introduction to reinforcement learning, Apache Solr and open-source technologies, Legal IR, RAG and LLM etc.

The details of the previous SS and SS tutorials can be found here


Proposals for both full day (5-6 hours including breaks and lunch) and half day (2-3 hours including breaks) tutorials are invited. The tutorials will take place on Tuesday 26th November 2024 at the BCS offices in London in person or hybrid.

Proposal submission

Tutorial proposals should be submitted to the tutorial chair Haiming Liu at by midnight Monday 2nd Sep 2024, using the following template:

  • Name of presenter(s): please list the names and affiliations of presenter(s).
  • Contact details: email address, phone numbers etc.
  • Title: title of the tutorial.
  • Type of tutorial: half day or full day.
  • Tutorial Abstract: for publicity.
  • Delivery format: In person only or Hybrid
  • Target audience: please outline the practitioner audience to be addressed.
  • Learning outcomes: what would the practitioners gain from attending this tutorial?
  • Tutorial schedule and description: provide a draft schedule and detailed description of each of the items.
  • Tutorial logistics/materials: required media and formats for tutorial. What will be provided to attendees (e.g. slides).
  • Bio of presenter(s): including track record of presenting tutorials, lecturing experience etc. (Max 200 words)

Selection procedure

All tutorial proposals will be reviewed by the tutorial chair and approved by the organising committee. The selection criteria will focus on the quality of the tutorial content and the appropriateness of it to the main theme of search solutions.

Contact Tutorial Chair:

Dr Haiming Liu,


  • Search Solutions 2024: Call for Tutorials