Search Solutions is the premier UK forum for presentation of the latest innovations in search and information retrieval. In contrast to other major industry events, Search Solutions aims to be highly interactive, with attendance strictly limited.

The programme includes presentations, panels and keynote talks by influential industry leaders on novel and emerging applications in search and information retrieval.

NOTE: Search Solutions offers a Tutorial Programme on Tuesday 29 November.

Additionally, this year Search Solutions will feature a full day workshop on Thursday, 1 December: Workshop: Information Access System Evaluation in Practice.


09:30 - Registration and coffee

Session 1: Understanding users and context

10:00 - Introduction
10:10 - Sebastian Blohm, Microsoft Research: Focused Inbox: Learning personalized e-mail filters for Millions of users
10:40 - Marc Bron, Yahoo!: Incorporating Implicit and Explicit User Experience Signals in Ad Quality Ranking
11:10 - Qin Yin, Google: Mobile Search Stack
11:40 - Break

Session 2: Moving towards question-answering

12:00 - Graham Digby, Lexis Nexis: Questions with defined answers
12:30 - Jon Brassey, Trip Database: Adding value to clinical search by exploiting great content and clickstream data
13:00 - Lunch

Session 3: Beyond web search

14:00 - Vassilis Plachouras, Thomson-Reuters: Interacting with Financial Data using Natural Language Generation
14:30 - Paul Cleverley, Robert Gordon University: Enterprise Search: "I can't get no satisfaction": A study of explicit feedback from the user interface
15:00 - Charlie Hull, Flax: Lucene/IR workshop
15:15 - Break

Session 4: New modes of search

15:45 - Matthew Karas, Speech Engineering Limited: Speech-Based Archive Search in the Real World
16:15 - Frederic Fol Leymarie, DynAikon Ltd: Human Visual Perception + Computer Vision to provide greater User Control for Shape-based Search
16:45 - Panel session - confirmed panellists: Nick Patience (451 Research), Helen Lippell (Search and taxonomy specialist)
17:15 - IRSG Search Industry Awards 2016


Search Solutions 2016 is organised by the Information Retrieval specialist group of the BCS (The Chartered Institute for IT) and ISKO (International Society for Knowledge Organization), and is held at the BCS Central London Office:

BCS, 1st Floor
The Davidson Building
5 Southampton Street
London, WC2E 7HA


Registration fees (including VAT at 20%) are as follows:

Early Bird Rates (until 23:59 on 31 Oct 2016)

BCS member rate: £99
Non-member rate: £129

Normal Rates (from 1 Nov 2016)

BCS member rate: £119
Non-member rate: £149

Registration fees include lunch and a copy of the proceedings. Tea and coffee will also be available throughout the day followed by a drinks reception in the evening.

For details of the tutorial programme and pricing, please refer to the Search Solutions Tutorials page.

Cancellations & Refunds

A full refund will be issued if a cancellation is received within 14 days of the booking date or by 12:00pm on Wednesday 23 November, otherwise name substitutions will be allowed if notified before the closing date.

For overseas delegates who wish to attend the event please note that the BCS does not issue invitation letters.


Tony Russell-Rose, UXLabs
Udo Kruschwitz, University of Essex
Andy MacFarlane, City University London
John Tait, ltd.
M-Dyaa Albakour, Signal Media Ltd.
Ingo Frommholz, University of Bedfordshire
Judi Vernau, Metataxis (ISKO rep.)


For enquiries about the event please contact Tony Russell-Rose, IRSG Vice-Chair: irsg [at]