Welcome to our group!

A top priority for patients and professionals alike is the need to improve the way that the myriad of health and care records that currently exist in multiple locations can be brought together, to provide a more holistic picture of an individual, both their past contacts with health and care services, as well as their care plans for the future.

This involves not just technical challenges but the need to consider ethical and societal issues about establishing rights for privacy and control and the opportunity for such records and plans to be utilised for wider population benefit.

The community of practice is intended to bring together all those working in this field from across policy, operational practice, suppliers and academia to encourage debate and discussion and to share learning and understanding

If you want to get involved or have any ideas for our forthcoming programme, please get in touch at groups@bcs.uk

Lee Rickles, Interim Chair

Join us

Become a BCS member and start networking with like-minded professionals in our Electronic Health and Care Records specialist group.

To contact the group, please email groups@bcs.uk

About us

The aim of the electronic health and care records community of practice is to further understanding and insight into the development and adoption of electronic health and care records and care plans in support of improved patient and population health and wellbeing.

The objectives of the community of practice include:

  • Facilitating knowledge sharing and collaboration.
  • Sharing innovations and research
  • Sharing documentation – for example Standard operating procedures and examples of best practices.
  • Improving patient safety – issues, implications, solutions
  • Learning from project and programme reviews
  • Learning from industry
  • Learning from other countries
  • Education – data driven – staff engagement – patient education
  • Exploring digital health inequalities in respect of record access and impact
  • Exploring the need for and value of national guidance
  • Exploring the identify and security management guidance federated identity and access management
  • Consider the management of business process (mapping, modelling, mining) of care across multiple providers based on principles of use centred design