Bucks Skills show 2023

Mike Buckland Buki Ogunleye


Mike Buckland and Buki Ogunleye at the Bucks Skills Show in March 2023

Get Inspired event 2023

Jacqueline Watson Mayor of Basingstoke Chris Todd Davies with a group of students


L to R: Jacqueline Watson, the Mayor of Basingstoke and Chris Todd-Davies with a group of students.

November 2021

Rupesh Srivastava on Quantum Computing in the UK, 6 November 2021


Rupesh Srivastava on Quantum Computing in the UK, 6 November 2021 - one of our lockdown webinars (click image to view larger).


Andrew Tillman & Sinu Peter, Cyber Security speakers on 16 October 2019 John Bickerton, Head of Engineering & Innovation at Reading Buses, on 'Reading Buses & Big Data', 16 Jan 2019


L to R: Andrew Tillman & Sinu Peter, Cyber Security speakers on 16 October 2019 and John Bickerton, Head of Engineering & Innovation at Reading Buses, on 'Reading Buses & Big Data', 16 Jan 2019.

Jeremy Acklam & Rod Willis, our speakers on 'Agile Technology Post-Brexit’, 3 April 2019 Discussion on 'Agile Technology Post-Brexit’, 3 April 2019


L to R: Jeremy Acklam & Rod Willis, our speakers on 'Agile Technology Post-Brexit’ (3 April 2019) and Discussion on 'Agile Technology Post-Brexit’ (3 April 2019).

December 2018

Agility Poster Agility magic game Rod Willis playing the agility magic game


L to R: Agility Magic Poster (click image to view larger), Agility Poster (click image to view larger) and Rod Willis playing the Agility magic game.

Rod Willis - Mindsets event Technology Tournament


L to R: Rod Willis speaking at Mindsets event and STEM Technology Tournament.


Sinu Peter speaking at Insider Cyber Threat event Chris Rees speaking at Berkshire AGM Discussion group led by Jacqui Hogan of the BCS IT Leaders Forum, 11 October 2018


L to R: Sinu Peter speaking at Insider Cyber Threat event (Nov 2018), Chris Rees speaking at Berkshire AGM (Sep 2018) and Discussion group led by Jacqui Hogan of the BCS IT Leaders Forum (11 October 2018)

Keith Richards speaking at Agile Project Management event STEM stand at Leighton Park School


L to R: Keith Richards speaking at Agile Project Management event (Jul 2018) and STEM stand at Leighton Park School (Jul 18)

Student Awards 2017/8

Berkshire Student Award Runner-up Berkshire Student Award Winner


L to R: Berkshire Student Award Runner-up and Winner.


Teen Tech Kate Russell speaking at Life Changing Technology event


L to R: Teen Tech (Nov 2017) and Kate Russell speaking at Life Changing Technology event (Nov 2017).

Anthony Parker (BCS Berkshire Chair 2016-21) speaking at one of the Institute of Technology conferences we helped to sponsor in Reading, 7 June 2017 John Morton MBCS (IoD Thames Valley Chair) & Anthony Parker (BCS Berkshire Chair), 25 May 2017 Dawn Louise Kerr & Cathy Jenkins, our speakers on Communication Strategies, 25 May 2017


L to R: and Anthony Parker (BCS Berkshire Chair 2016-21) speaking at one of the Institute of Technology conferences we helped to sponsor in Reading (7 June 2017), John Morton MBCS (IoD Thames Valley Chair) & Anthony Parker (BCS Berkshire Chair) (25 May 2017) and Dawn Louise Kerr & Cathy Jenkins, our speakers on Communication Strategies (25 May 2017).

Bucks Skills Show Michael Dzandu at BCS Voices event Sharon Gaskell speaking at BCS Voices event


L to R: Bucks Skills Show (Oct 2017), Michael Dzandu at BCS Voices event (Mar 2017) and Sharon Gaskell speaking at BCS Voices event (Mar 2017).


Teen Tech Hants Teen Tech Surrey


L to R: Berkshire and Hampshire branches at Teen Tech at Hants (2016), Teen Tech Surrey (2016) and Teen Tech Surrey (2016).