Women in Enterprise: The Untapped Potential” report launched at the House of Commons by fsb.org.uk
29 June 2019
Below is an excerpt from the report’s Executive Summary:
“Research by the Women’s Business Council has shown that the UK economy is missing out on more than 1.2 million new enterprises due to the untapped business potential of women. This is despite a number of policy initiatives by the UK Government and the devolved administrations, and the business community to promote and facilitate women business leaders and enterprise.
In 2014, 20 per cent of single-person businesses and 18 per cent of smaller firm employers in the UK were majority-led by women. At the same time, self-employment in the UK is at the highest level in 40 years, with much of the recent growth among women.
This report explores the importance of women’s entrepreneurship to the UK economy and the challenges women business owners face when starting up and growing their business, including the availability of business support, access to finance and childcare. The research for this report included both focus groups and a survey of 1,919 women business owners.”