What features are included in the platform?

All members will be able to post topics for discussion, respond to posts, like posts and help to moderate content. The platform also enables members to exchange private messages and receive digests of conversations taking place through email notifications - these functions are dynamic, allowing you to control your own experience of the platform.

How will BCS use the platform and what happens with your data?

The BCS Community and the content created is led by members in the most part. It will also be used as a platform to engage members in our public policy activity. In a later phase we will also create specialist group and regional group discussion spaces which will be available to you based on what subscriptions you have with BCS.

You will be able to access the online BCS Community using your normal BCS credentials. Your credentials will populate your membership grade and any professional registrations that you have attained into your profile, your profile will also include your username and name which will be viewable to other members of the BCS Community along with any information you decide to add such as a biography.

Content within the platform will be used to highlight conversations in newsletters to encourage other members to participate in discussions.

We know how your data is used will be important to you. We will only use your data to support your use of the platform and to manage the platform. We have a contracted supplier to help administrate the platform and to host it on UK based servers - and that’s it, you can view the BCS privacy notice.

Creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members

The BCS Community will have terms of service that aim to prevent abusive behaviour and marketing between members. Users in the platform can flag content that they believe is inappropriate, BCS reserves the right to suspend use of the platform for individuals in breach of the terms of service ranging from short suspensions to permanent ban.

As members of BCS, all users of the platform have agreed to follow the BCS code of conduct. Breaches of the code of conduct will be investigated.

Ultimately, we want the BCS Community to be a welcoming place to all members so whilst you might disagree with other members on topics you are passionate about, be kind and respectful.

When can you access the online BCS Community?

The platform is now live, and is available to all BCS members. 

Visit BCS Community