Animation and Games Development specialist group: Committee
Here are the members of the Animation and Games Development specialist group committee.
Ian Hughes FBCS, Director of Feeding Edge Ltd, Metaverse Evangelist a.k.a. epredator, prior experience 20 years at IBM working in emerging technologies
Secretary, Inclusion Officer and acting Treasurer:
Margaret Ross MBE, Hon FBCS, FBCS, CITP, CEng, CSci, FIScT, Solent University
Early Career Officer:
Richard (Rich) Hebblewhite, Glyndwr University, Wrexham
Inclusion Officer:
Matthew Barr (University of Glasgow)
Other Committee members:
Damon Daylamani-Zad FBCS, Brunel University
Xiaosong Yang MBCS, Bournemouth University
Should you wish to contact the specialist group please email (please put BCS AGD SG in the subject line).