Part RITTech Recognition
Part RITTech Recognition is your first step on the path to professional registration. If you’re just starting out in your IT career, having passed a digital T-level qualification, then Part RITTech Recognition is for you. It gives you a badge of recognition, showing the industry you’re serious about your career in tech and are keen to develop your skills to one day become a Chartered IT Professional (CITP).
RITTech is a professional registration for IT technicians working in the digital space. Becoming registered will earn you a place on an independent public register demonstrating you are a trusted professional. RITTech sets the industry standard for technical skills and conduct, recognising and validating your competence in just seven letters. If you work in tech and you care about doing things properly, you understand the impact of your work and you’re keeping your skills up to date, then RITTech is for you.
Advanced RITTech
Advanced RITTech is a step up from RITTech registration — and a step closer to Chartered IT Professional (CITP). Advanced RITTech will demonstrate that you are dedicated to the IT profession, and can be considered a rising star within the industry. If you’re a talented and ambitious technologist, committed to developing your skills, growing your influence, and meeting high industry standards, then Advanced RITTech registration is for you.
How to apply
To achieve Part RITTech Recognition, you’ll firstly need to have passed a Digital T Level qualification within the past twelve months. From there, it’s quick and easy to apply — just follow these steps:
- You'll need to be a BCS member at Student grade or above.
- Take a picture or screenshot of your Digital T Level certificate
- Send it to us at
That’s it! We’ll let you know when we’ve received the image of your certificate and, once validated, we’ll award you with Part RITTech Recognition.
There are two routes to RITTech registration: accredited and experiential. For both routes, you’ll need to be a BCS member at AMBCS grade or above.
Accredited route
- Check our list of accredited qualifications.
- If your qualification is accredited, simply detail this, along with some personal information, on your application form located in MyBCS.
- Submit your application form via MyBCS (you must be a BCS member before applying).
Experiential route
- Take a look at the required competencies and ensure you meet the criteria.
- Identify your supporter – this will be someone more senior than you who can confirm the information you provide. For example, a manager.
- Complete the application form (located in MyBCS) – this is comprised of six questions which will help us build a picture of how you operate day-to-day. You’ll find helpful tips here, or you can join one of our regular workshops to find out more.
- Submit your application form via MyBCS and we will get back to you within 14 days with the outcome of your application or next steps.
Please note, if we require additional information to make a decision, we will contact you directly. In addition, we will not review your application until your supporter has approved it so please make them aware of this when submitting your application.
There are two routes to Advanced RITTech registration: accredited and experiential. For both routes, you’ll need to be a BCS member at MBCS grade or above.
Accredited route
Check our list of accredited qualifications.
If your qualification is accredited, simply detail this, along with some personal information, on your application form located in MyBCS.
Submit your application form via MyBCS (you must be a BCS member before applying).
Experiential route
- Take a look at the required competencies and ensure you meet the criteria.
- Identify your supporter – this will be someone more senior than you who can confirm the information you provide. For example, a Manager.
- Complete the application form which can be found via MyBCS – this is comprised of six questions which will help us build a picture of how you operate day-to-day. You’ll find helpful tips here, or you can join one of our regular workshops to find out more.
- Submit your application form via MyBCS and we will get back to you within four to six weeks with the outcome of your application.
Please note, if we require additional information to make a decision, we will contact you directly. In addition, we will not review your application until your supporter has approved it so please make them aware of this when submitting your application.
What people say about RITTech
I feel it puts me in a positive position to progress in my digital career and it feels nice to be on a register amongst other IT professionals.
Ronni Murray RITTech
It's good to have those letters after your name to show you have a passion for what you do.
Business Support Manager Royal College of Nursing