• Review the application documentation in the case studies below.
  • Using the assessor resources and knowledge you have gained from the training modules, carry out an assessment of each applicant.
  • Complete and submit an assessment report for each application to the BCS team.

You are advised to complete the training and submit the case studies within three weeks of receiving your invitation to undertake the training. Please inform the BCS team if you are not able to complete within this timescale. When the BCS team have received both your case studies and quiz answers, your assessor status will be activated and you will receive links to the online calendar to enter your availability and to the workspace where you will find the assessor templates and applications for your assessment.

Case study 1

BoK statement (PDF)
Original assessor report (PDF)
Personal statement (PDF)
Service delivery: notes for assessors (PDF)
Supporter (PDF)

Case study 2

Application details (PDF)
Original assessor 1st review (PDF)
Original assessor 2nd review (PDF)
Personal statement (PDF)
Service delivery: notes for assessors (PDF)
Supporter (PDF)

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