CITP assessor training
Welcome to your assessor training resource.
Here you will find all the training material and associated guidance and templates that you need to get you up to speed in your role.
Step 1
Please follow and complete all of the training modules. As you work through the training please refer to the assessor templates and guidance in the Resources section on the right.
Step 2
Once you've worked through all of the modules and in order to complete your training, you will need to undertake the case study exercises and quiz (MS-Word). Send your completed assessor reports and your quiz answers to the BCS team. Be sure to use all of the available resources found here, together with your learning from the training.
Step 3
Now that you've completed and submitted your own assessment of the case studies and your quiz answers to the BCS team, take a look at the original assessor reports and the quiz answers which can be found in the Resources section on the right.
You are advised to complete the training and submit the case studies within three weeks of receiving your invitation to undertake the training. Please inform the BCS team if you are not able to complete within this timescale. When the BCS team have received both your case studies and quiz answers, your assessor status will be activated and you will receive links to the online calendar to enter your availability and to the workspace where you will find the assessor templates and applications for your assessment.
CITP initial review template (MS-Word)
CITP initial review template (PDF)
CITP interview template (MS-Word)
CITP interview template (PDF)
Determining current competence - Telephone interview template (MS-Word)
Determining current competence - Telephone interview template (PDF)
Determining current competence - Assessment template (MS-Word)
Determining current competence - Assessment template (PDF)
Quiz answers (PDF)