Our retired membership will help you to make the most of your retirement, whilst continuing to offer the level of information and opportunities that you'd expect from your professional body.

In your retirement, you can still play an active role within BCS. We value the skills, experience and crucial knowledge you can pass on to a growing base of younger members.

Being a retired member means you can:

  • Share skills, knowledge and give advice by becoming a mentor
  • Be a core part of your branch by joining the committee and recruiting new members
  • Explore assessor opportunities
  • Keeping up to date with latest industry news
  • Take advantage of a reduced membership fee
  • Not ready to retire? Have you thought about teaching? The BCS Scholarship programme can enable you to shape the next generation of aspiring tech students

How do I apply?

Please complete the retired member subscription application form. Once we’ve reviewed your details, we’ll be in touch to let you know if your request has been successful. You can expect to hear from us within 5 working days.

Frequently asked questions

Who can apply for a retired rate?
You can apply for the retired rate if you have retired from employment.

How much does the retired rate cost?
There is a flat fee of £50 per year for all retired rate membership subscriptions. In order to maintain your professional registrations (for CITP, RITTech, EC registration and FedIP registrations) fees will be charged annually in addition.

Professional registration Fee
CITP £46.00
CEng £21.63
IEng £18.01
FEDIP £25.00
RITTech £15.00


When should I apply for the retired rate?
You can apply for the retired rate at any time. A retired rate can be granted at any point during the calendar year in which you will retire. If you have already paid your yearly subscription your retired rate will take effect from your next renewal.

What if I am due to retire half way through my current subscription?
We can grant you the retired rate at any point in the year in which you retire, for example if you are due to renew in May and you are due to retire in December of the same year we will grant you the retired rate for your renewal in May.

I pay by Direct Debit, how can I ensure that the correct amount is debited from my account?

  • Annual Direct Debit: to ensure that the correct amount is deducted from your bank account, please return your retired rate application form to us by the 1st of the month prior to your renewal start date.
  • Monthly Direct Debit: this option is only available for annual membership fees of £92 and above. You’ll need to either switch to an annual Direct Debit, or pay by card or Paypal. We’ll get in touch with next steps to change your payment method once we’ve processed your request.