Which tech career is right for me?

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Tech careers in demand right now
Check out the hottest roles in tech and learn more about the exciting career choices you can make when you’re a digital professional...
Software developer
Help to shape the digital world by creating the programs that power the apps, games, websites and operating systems we rely on to organise our lives!
Cyber specialist
Be a digital detective, encrypting and decoding, keeping information safe, and setting up defences against increasingly sophisticated online attacks.
Cloud architect
Design and maintain the virtual infrastructure for internet and online services — ensuring secure, efficient and scalable operations.
UX/UI designer
Create user-friendly digital experiences using data-driven research, aesthetics, teamwork, and user-centred focus for business success.

Tech jargon explained

Get to know the tech terms your colleagues and clients will be dropping into the conversation when you work in IT — and discover why you really should believe in unicorns!

Tech career inspiration

A day in the life

We get closer to the action by talking to tech professionals about their typical working day and their career journey so far.

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