DigiFest is a Scottish Government led conference. BCS Health & Care Scotland sponsor prizes for the winning and runner up poster abstracts.
- Miriam Brazzelli
- Abdu Cherif
- Jen Macdonald
- Ioanna Nixon
- Tess Watt
5:00pm - Welcome
5:05pm - Poster presentations each followed by Q&A
5:55pm - Closing
DigiFest is a Scottish Government led conference for all things digital in health and social care. BCS Health & Care Scotland organise and chair the poster abstract submissions, review panel and presentation at the event. We sponsor prizes to the winner and runner up poster abstracts.
About the speakers
The top ranked DigiFest24 poster abstract authors present their ePosters in the Academic Research category. The five speakers will present their work followed by Q&A.
Our events are for adults aged 16 years and over.
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