The outcome and insights of research performed by BCS Enterprise Architecture Specialist Group into leadership and architecture.


Mike Warman
Petra in 't Veld Brown


1800 – Welcome and introductions
1805 – Event starts
1850 – Questions and Answers
1900 – Event ends


The BCS Enterprise Architecture Specialist Group has, for many years, been working to understand the role of architects in leadership.

We have had a journey of events, surveys, conferences, round tables discussions, interviews and many more interactions with our community and other specialist groups

This has helped us shape a way of thinking about leadership that we would like to share with you.

In this event we will cover:
- What is a leader?
- Who leads when and how?
- How does a business decide on its direction?
- How do leaders participate in the process of deciding the direction of travel?
- What is the role of an architect in the process?

To help you take the next step on your leadership journey, we explore the main obstacles in the process and provide insights on how to overcome them.

- Sharing our insights based on our research
- Sharing original concepts from our community

We are looking to extend this work with leaders and architects to foster better collaboration for all, and for a better understanding of architecture in leadership. In our question-and-answer section, we would like to hear your thoughts on what the next steps could be in our research and collaboration.

About the speakers

Mike Warman:
Petra in 't Veld Brown:

Our events are for adults aged 16 years and over.

BCS is a membership organisation. If you enjoy this event, please consider joining BCS. You’ll be very welcome. You’ll receive access to many exclusive career development tools, an introduction to a thriving professional community and also help us Make IT Good For Society. Join BCS today

For overseas delegates who wish to attend the event, please note that BCS does not issue invitation letters.

Image by Charles Forerun

This event is brought to you by: Enterprise Architecture specialist group

Webinar: Business and Architecture Collaborating in Leadership
Date and time
Thursday 13 March, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
