
Maurice ter Beek


3:30 pm FACS/FME members meeting (Flowers and Gill room)
5 pm Networking
6 pm FACS/FME talk At 6 PM, Maurice ter Beek (Flowers and Gill room)
Q&A 7:30 pm Networking


The afternoon will include a FACS/FME committee meeting, followed by a meeting for FACS/FME members.

This will also provide an opportunity for informal, impromptu meetings.

At 6 PM, Maurice ter Beek will present a seminar titled "Formal Methods and Tools in Railways: Recent Successes and Future Challenges."

Below is the abstract for the talk.

Formal methods and tools are successfully applied to the development of safety-critical systems for decades now, in particular in the transport domain, without a single language or tool emerging as the dominant solution for system design.

Formal methods are highly recommended by the current safety standards in the railway industry, but railway engineers often lack the knowledge to transform their semi-formal models into formal models, with a precise semantics, to serve as input to formal methods tools.
We share the results of performing empirical studies in the railway domain, including usability analyses of formal methods tools involving railway practitioners.

We discuss, in particular with respect to railway systems and their modelling, our experiences in applying formal methods and tools to a variety of case studies, for which we interacted with a number of companies from the railway domain.

We report on lessons learned from these experiences and provide pointers to steer future research towards facilitating further synergies between - on the one hand - formal methods researchers and tool developers and - on the other hand - practitioners from the railway industry, including the challenge of AI delivering its promise as an efficiency enhancer also in Railways.

About the speaker

Maurice ter Beek is senior researcher at CNR-ISTI (Pisa, Italy) where he heads the Formal Methods and Tools lab.

He obtained his Ph.D. at Leiden University (The Netherlands). He has authored over 150 peer-reviewed papers, edited over 35 proceedings and special issues of journals, and serves on the editorial boards of the journals Formal Aspects of Computing, International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, Science of Computer Programming, and PeerJ Computer Science.

His research interests are formal methods and (model-checking) tools for the specification and verification of (safety-critical) software systems and communication protocols, focusing in particular on applications in software (product line) engineering and railway systems. He is board member of Formal Methods Europe (FME).

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This event is brought to you by: FACS (Formal Aspects of Computing Science) group

Joint FACS/FME meetings and seminar
Date and time
Wednesday 26 March, 2:00pm - 9:00pm
BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
Ground Floor, 25 Copthall Avenue