
Dr Andre Maia ChagasDr Andre Maia Chagas


1800 Food and networking
1830 Talk
1930 Q&A
2000 Close


Dr Andre Maia Chagas will give the invited talk on Open Hardware.

This will include an introduction to the area of Open Hardware and details of his research at Sussex University as lead of the Open Research Technologies Hub.

About the speaker

Andre has a background in Neuroscience and his areas of expertise include design for 3D printing and circuit board design.

Since 2019 has been engaged in developing and teaching about Open Source tools for neuroscience at Sussex.

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Hybrid event: An Introduction to Open Hardware
Date and time
Wednesday 19 February, 6:30pm - 8:00pm
University of Sussex
Fulton Building
Fulton Lecture Theatre B
Falmer, Brighton