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Strategic ‘Engineering’ needed, meaning more rigor, quantification, feedback & learning - 90%-98% Strategy failure rates are unacceptable.


 Tom Gilb HonFBCS Tom Gilb


18.00 Start of presentation
19:00 Estimated Finish


1. Fresh new ideas and definitions of ‘Strategy’ : Quality oriented
2. The Strategy Engineering process, EVO Cycle, Fractal and Scale-Free
3. The Strategy Impact Table for dealing with multiple qualities
4. Comparisons of this method with well known strategy methods, using AI
5. Multi-level strategy alignment
6. Two free books on Strategy.


Tom was born in California 1940, lived in the UK 1956-58, Norway 1958 to present. Joined IBM 1958.

Consulted for a very wide variety of organisations, and managed to influence some of them in interesting and well documented ways.

See ‘PPPP’ below. Tom is an Honorary Fellow of BCS. See Gilb.com for more details.
Tom is the author of thirteen paper books, dozens of E-books, and hundreds of papers on a wide variety of subjects.
His book ‘Competitive Engineering’ is a substantial definition of systems engineering ideas.

His works are at Researchgate ( https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tom-Gilb)
All free, and https://leanpub.com/u/tomgilb (free samples)

Many BCS and other videos by Tom are at https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=tom+gilb, and at the BCS SPA video site https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKBhokJ0qd3_wlvr0j85YhmNfNj8ZJ8M-

Tom has guest lectured at universities all over UK, Europe, China, India, USA, Korea – and has been a keynote speaker at dozens of technical conferences internationally.
There are very many organizations and individuals who use some or all of Gilb methods. IBM and HP were two early corporate adopters.

Over the recent 20 years, 20,000 engineers at Intel have adopted his ‘Planguage’ requirements and design methods.

Some case studies of the use of his methods are in ‘Powerful Ploys for Problems, using Planguage’, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384054757_PPPP_Powerful_Ploys_for_Problems/ which includes an updated references section with free publications, up to 2024.

Tom is 84, retired, living in Norway. He follows up electronically daily, and his highest wish is to spread useful ideas to the next generation.

Regarding this meetup on, ‘Strategy’, see Strategy Ring: Advanced Strategic Planning using Engineering https://tinyurl.com/StrategyRing , work in progress. And The General Theory of Strategy Engineering https://www.researchgate.net/publication/388385993_GENERAL_THEORY_OF_STRATEGY_2025

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THIS EVENT IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BCS Quality specialist group

Supported by BCS Hampshire  Dorset Branch  Business Change

 Strategy Engineering: with tools for product and organizational Quality
Date and time
Friday 11 April, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
