This talk looks at developments in the national and international development of quantum computing from a societal impact perspective.


Professor Marina Jirotka

Dr Carolyn Ten Holter


7:30pm - Talk starts

9:00pm - Talk Ends


This talk looks at recent developments in the national and international development of quantum computing from a societal impact perspective.

It will discuss efforts around governance – including standards, codes of conduct, regulatory considerations, and international conversations – and some of the drivers for these.

It will also discuss past, present and future efforts to ensure that society’s voice is heard in the development of this potentially highly significant technology.

About the speaker

Marina Jirotka is Professor of Human Centred Computing in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford and Governing Body Fellow of St Cross College.

Her expertise involves co-producing user and community requirements and human computer interaction, particularly for collaborative systems. She has been at the forefront of recent work in Responsible Innovation (RI) in the UK and the European Union.

Her recently concluded projects involve a range of topics in RI: she led the Responsible Innovation work for the Networked Quantum Information Technologies Hub (NQIT); she was PI on ESRCs Digital Wildfires project; and she was Co-PI on EPSRC Digital Economy TIPS project, Emancipating Users Against Algorithmic Biases for a Trusted Digital Economy (UnBias). From her work on analysing the spread of hate speech and misinformation on social media (Digital Wildfires), she was appointed specialist advisor to the House of Lords Select Committee on Communications for their inquiry into Children and the Internet.

Carolyn Ten Holter specialises in responsible innovation approaches in a variety of novel technology domains, including AI and quantum computing.

She has a particular interest in policymaking and governance for novel technologies, and expertise in participatory and stakeholder-inclusive methods.

As part of the RTI she leads the work on RAKE, an impact project within the Responsible AI UK Hub. She consults on the PARIS-DE and AMHDM projects, and liaises with the RTI’s networks of civil society organisations, projects, and other organisations that work on similar themes.

She has degrees in law, librarianship & information science, and marketing communications.

Her doctoral thesis developed novel approaches to the responsible development of quantum computing. Previous projects include an OPEN Policy Fellowship that incorporated a secondment to the Office for Quantum in DSIT, RoAD, ORBIT, ResQCCom and RAILS. She sits on the BCS Quantum Working Group and the Departmental Research Ethics Committee, and is part of the editorial board of the Journal of Responsible Technology.

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Towards responsible quantum computing
Date and time
Wednesday 9 April, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Rewley House
1 Wellington Square