A short AGM followed by a case study on establishing sustainable DevSecOps practices for a large number of very diverse IT services.


Sam Watkins


6:00pm - Teas, coffees and networking, as people arrive
6:10pm - AGM will commence. The agenda for the AGM will be:

  • Apologies for Absence
  • Minutes of the AGM held 29th November 2023
  • Matters arising from the minutes
  • Chair's Report
  • Treasurer's Report
  • Election of Committee
  • Any other business

Please send any nominations for new members of the committee to: Roy Harrow Email: chairdevsecops@bcs.org

6:30pm - Main presentation - Sam Watkins, BT
7:30pm - Q&A - to be chaired by Roy Harrow, BCS DevSecOps Group
8:00pm - Light refreshments for those who are able to attend in person
8:30pm - Close


DevSecOps is a key strategy in providing secure solution to your clients. Easily achieved in industries where there are a couple of big solutions. What if you have 8,000 different products sold internally and externally, covering everything from national infrastructure to mobile networks, SIEM offerings, and various integration services, a TV service! How can you meaningfully and sustainably achieve the ultimate shift left? Traditional DevSecOps, fixed around a single toolset, reporting on existing vulnerabilities only after coding is done isn't helping larger, more complex organisations. If such organisations can instead look at protecting against weaknesses from day one in our development life-cycles, we get real benefits from day one. Shift that focus to one that can flexibly incorporate different scanners according to the subject matter in hand, and we have something that can be widely adopted. Sam will present a case study on how her team has tackled this challenging problem.

About the speaker

Sam Watkins

Sam Watkins did a BCS accredited Computer Science and Mathematics in Hull before joining BT in 1997 as a graduate. They have focused their career on helping organisations achieve more through the use of technology. Acting as Responsible Owner for Establishing Sustainable DevSecOps practices, Sam has been using automated delivery practices since 2004, making the move to DevOps and DevSecOps in 2014.

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This event is brought to you by: DevSecOps specialist group

Hybrid event: AGM + Establishing sustainable DevSecOps practices
Date and time
Thursday 28 November, 6:00pm - 8:30pm
BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
Ground Floor, 25 Copthall Avenue
This event is sold out