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Guidance on developing a career in Malware Forensics - aimed at students, teachers and career changers.

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With over 1.2 billion malware samples being spotted in the wild (AV-ATLAS) with around 500,000 new samples detected daily (Statista), Malware Forensics is an ever-growing field. This field has different specialisations such as Dynamic/Static analysis, Design and Reverse Engineering.

In Malware Forensics, it is our job to determine if Malware is present on a computer system, stop the infection to get the business back up and running and identify who is responsible. Andrew will be giving an introduction to Malware Forensics which highlights common soft and technical skills needed, along with widely available resources to help you succeed in this career path. A hands-on tutorial will be shown by Andrew.

About the speaker

Andrew MooreAndrew Moore

Andrew is a cybersecurity professional who has consulted in Digital Forensics, e-Discovery and academic roles across the last ten years. Andrew currently helps businesses with their cybersecurity needs, focusing on Digital Forensics and Malware Reverse Analysis. Andrew is also the course leader for BSc(Hons) Cyber Security & Digital Forensics at Anglia Ruskin University (Cambridge, UK) and is also a Digital Forensics Consultant at ALT Digital Investigations.

As joint principal investigator, Andrew has completed a Global Cybercrime Certification (GCC) project for the EC Directorate-General for Migration & Home Affairs via ECTEG. The project was to harmonise Digital Forensics standards across Europe. Andrew has also completed DCMS-funded CyberASAP projects as lead infrastructure consultant (Botprobe now named ZORB Security). Andrew holds qualifications such as an MSc in Cyber Security & BSc(Hons) in Information Security & Forensic Computing. He also holds certifications such as CFIP, CFIS, CSIR, CMI and CMIP.

In his own time, Andrew plays guitar, plays/watches football, gets attacked by his two naughty cats and enjoys mountain biking with his partner.

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Webinar: From novice to professional - Starting a career in Malware Forensics
Date and time
Wednesday 22 May, 6:00pm - 7:00pm

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