Information Security specialist group event.


  • Dr Deepayan Bhowmik
  • Adam Leon-Smith


6:30pm - Introduction (Steve Sands - ISSG Chair)
6:35pm - Election context and ongoing BCS work in this area (Adam Leon-Smith, BCS F-TAG)
6:45pm - Speaker Dr Deepayan Bhowmik
7:45pm - Q&A
8:00pm - Close


Recent advances in artificial intelligence, especially Generative AI, for media creation and manipulation enable users to produce near-realistic media content that is almost indistinguishable from authentic content to the human eye.

These developments open a multitude of opportunities, from creative content production, the art industry, and digital restoration to image and video coding. However, they also risk infringing copyrights and spreading manipulated media, such as deepfakes, which often lead to social unrest, the spread of rumours for political gain, or the encouragement of hate crimes.

The talk aims to discuss the current advances in trustworthy media generation, distribution and consumption.

This talk also describes the JPEG Trust international framework (ISO/IEC 21617) that aims to establish trust in digital media creation, modification, annotation, distribution and consumption.

The framework provides standardized protocols to extract indicators to assess trustworthiness, means to annotate media provenance, and securely link the assets and associated annotations together.

Media manipulation can be traced back over 150 years to 1860, when Abraham Lincoln’s head was placed on John Calhoun’s portrait.

While typically, media manipulations are seen as malpractices, manipulations are commonplace in wider usage scenarios, starting from editing for entertainment and creative industries (legitimate) to gaining political advantages, spreading misinformation or harming others’ reputations and finances.

Massive technological development in software toolsets and recent advancements in AI technology, particularly generative AI, have created a disruptive inroad over the last few years that permits near-realistic synthetic content modification and generation with ease.

Drawing reliable conclusions about the authenticity of digital media is complicated and becoming more so as Generative AI start appearing. Consumers of social media are challenged to assess the trustworthiness of the media they encounter, and agencies that depend on the authenticity of media assets must be concerned with mistaking fake media for real, with risks of real-world consequences.

Addressing such a complex issue, requires both algorithmic development and a successful adaptation in the daily life. This prompts the need for an international standard which can enable global interoperable media asset authenticity and JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) led that development through their newest proposed standard ‘JPEG Trust’. JPEG Trust defines a framework for establishing trust in media.

This framework addresses aspects of authenticity, provenance and integrity through secure and reliable annotation of media assets throughout their life cycle.

This talk will provide the landscape of media authenticity, including content authentication, deep fake and AI-generated image detection techniques along with the description of the JPEG Trust standard.

About the speaker

Dr Deepayan BhowmikDr Deepayan Bhowmik

Dr Deepayan Bhowmik is a Senior Lecturer in Data Science (Associate Professor) and the Director of Business, Innovation and Skill of the School of Computing at Newcastle University.

Funded through a prestigious EPSRC Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award, he obtained a PhD in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Sheffield, UK. Dr Bhowmik’s research interests are in AI and Machine learning for computer vision, natural language processing, vision system hardware and optimisations, and multi-modal signal/data processing.

Dr Bhowmik is a leading expert in his field, with over sixty international publications at world-leading venues. He has been successful in receiving substantial external funds through the UK Research Councils (EPSRC, NERC), Royal Academy of Engineering, EU Horizon 2020, UK Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) and industry. His research was showcased at EPSRC Digital Economy Day in 2019 and he is one of the lead editors of the upcoming JPEG Trust standard which expects to positively impact billions of users across the world.

His publications won/nominated for best conference prizes, and multiple journal papers were selected for the university’s submission to the latest Research Excellence Framework (REF).

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This event is brought to you by: Information Security specialist group and F-TAG

Webinar: Media Authenticity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Date and time
Tuesday 25 June, 6:30pm - 8:00pm

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