Understanding the problems of gaining employment by qualified IT professionals with mobility issues, followed by BCS Hampshire Branch AGM.
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The highly qualified community with serious mobility issues often faces significant challenges in gaining employment. Technology presents a opportunity to bridge this digital divide. This webinar discusses the problems and how Rob Trent overcame them to achieve, despite his very severe mobility, a career in the computing industry.
About the speaker
My name is Rob Trent.
I'm a happy retired Grandad, living in Southampton!
I have a disability, which means I'm unable to do very much for myself. Despite this (or maybe because), I had a 33 year full-time career in IT. It wasn't easy, but I did it. And I'll tell you how I did it.
Our events are for adults aged 16 years and over.
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This event is brought to you by: Hampshire branch, Digital Divide specialist group, Dorset branch and Kent branch