Come and find out about this new branch of computing - coding, digital techniques and generative AI.


Sandra Woolley


6:00pm - In-person registration and refreshments
6:30pm - Event begins
6:45pm - Creative coding talk
7:35pm - Q&A
7:50pm - Refreshments, networking and screen displays
8:45pm - Event closes


Coding, digital techniques and generative AI are increasingly used by artists and taught in arts programmes but an equivalent cross-over, of art and creativity into traditional computer science education, is not so evident despite a shortfall of skilled graduates in the digital media sector.

The talk will outline the creative coding opportunities for computer science students at Keele University and the open-source Processing library and Integrated Development Environment used in undergraduate teaching.

Examples will be provided of basic 2D and 3D graphics, animated sprites, multimedia and games in Processing.

Attendees will be provided with an opportunity to adapt and personalise cinema-sized animations displayed live in the new Innovation Centre 7 building.

We hope you can join us.

About the speaker

Sandra WoolleySandra Woolley

Sandra Woolley is a Fellow of the BCS and a member of the local BCS Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire branch committee.

She enjoys teaching Computer Animation and Multimedia and also topics relating to 'Ethics, Professionalism and Real-World Case Studies in Computer Science' at Keele University where she is also the Computer Science Research Director and a Deputy Director of the Digital Society Institute.

She has keen research interests in health technologies including wearables, sensing systems and assistive devices but her research has also encompassed digital heritage including VR/AR and 3D virtual reconstruction of fragmented artefacts.

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This event is brought to you by: Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire branch and Keele University

Creative Coding
Date and time
Wednesday 17 April, 6:00pm - 8:45pm
Innovation Centre 7 (IC7)
Keele University
This event is sold out