You can get behind the hype with this pragmatic briefing, deciding whether to exploit ChatGPT, or defend against it.
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ChatGPT is the fastest-growing consumer software app in history. Launched in November 2022, by June 2023 it had over 100 million users, and many readers fail to identify ChatGPT output as written by AI. From a professional perspective, IT practitioners should probably have an opinion when asked about it.
This talk covers what ChatGPT is, and some of the things it is not. Martin aims to get behind the hype with a pragmatic briefing. This will give you some ideas about whether and how you might exploit ChatGPT, and some defences should it be used against you.
Having briefly covered the origins, Martin then concentrates on factual explanations of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. He specifically covers Prompt Engineering, which is the critical skill when driving the tool. He concludes with some suggestions on how you might use ChatGPT, and how you might identify items produced by it. Martin's handout has extensive reference links including books, articles and SIGs.
About the speaker
Martin Tate
Martin Tate is the founder of Decision Evaluation. He helps senior committees to make sound decisions to time when selecting new technology or services. He was elected a Chartered Fellow of the BCS in 2007. He’s a Member of The Institution of Engineering and Technology and is certified in TOGAF & CISSP.
Martin is the author of the 2015 book published by BCS: Off-The-Shelf IT Solutions: A practitioner's guide to selection and procurement.
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