Bristol and Bath AGM and election of committee for upcoming year.


5:30pm - Welcome and introductions
5:35pm - Apologies
5:40pm - Minutes of previous AGM and matters arising
5:45pm - Report from the Chair, and other officers
6:00pm - Election of committee members
6:05pm - Any other business
6:15pm - AGM ends


We have made some very encouraging progress on one of our branch's strategic threads - namely having our branches, and in fact all branches, play a much bigger role in skills-based volunteering for charities and other voluntary organisations to Make IT Good for Society.

We are now pushing ahead with this, and we are also looking to work with Weston College and others for another of our aims: providing better networking opportunities and other support for digital apprentices in our region.

To further these aims, we are very keen on more involvement from our members and welcome candidates standing for any of the following roles:

  • Chair
  • Vice Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Inclusion Officer
  • Early Careers Advocate
  • Volunteer Coordination Officer

Details of all roles are available from BCS or the branch, but even roles not currently defined might add value - if you have thoughts on how you might help, please do not feel limited by the current roles; in particular, note that the Volunteer Coordination Officer is such a new role, and is intended to support branches and other member groups working with each other and other stakeholders outside BCS to allow our members to effectively provide skills-based volunteering effort to charities and other voluntary organisations.

Note that some roles are only open to professional BCS members, so please say if you are a professional member, and provide your membership number if so.

All nominations for committee roles must be received by the end of 11 November 2023; in particular, no nominations will be accepted during the AGM itself that have not been so received.

Our events are for adults aged 16 years and over.

BCS is a membership organisation. If you enjoy this event, please consider joining BCS. You’ll be very welcome. You’ll receive access to many exclusive career development tools, an introduction to a thriving professional community and also help us Make IT Good For Society. Join BCS today

For overseas delegates who wish to attend the event, please note that BCS does not issue invitation letters.

This event is brought to you by: BCS Bristol and Bath branch

Webinar: Bristol and Bath branch AGM
Date and time
Tuesday 14 November, 5:30pm - 6:15pm

This event is sold out