A clinician's perspective on how technical standards are critical to improving healthcare delivery and the start of a series of webinars.
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This is the first in a series of webinars giving an introduction to a wide range of health informatics standards. The series is aimed at those starting out in the field including clinicians with IT/informatics responsibilities or interests as well as IT/informatics professionals working in either in health and/or social care organisations (both providers and commissioners) or for suppliers/vendors.
In this introductory webinar, as well as outlining the overarching aims and objectives of the whole series and what will be covered in the later webinars, we will be taking a general over-view of the field and explaining what we mean by standards, why they are important and how they fit into a more complex whole.
We will make the distinction between professional and informatics (IT and data) standards in health. We call the latter health informatics standards and they are the focus of this series of webinars. These standards come in many types which we will review. They present a number of challenges, especially to those who are starting out, and we will explore some of these.
By the end of this webinar participants should have a good idea of what we mean by ‘health informatics standards’, the range that they cover, why they are important but also why they are not ends in themselves. They should also be able to articulate some of the challenges that are associated with them and be looking forward to future webinars that will deal with specific topics and related standards in more detail.
About the speaker
Dr John Williams MSc, FFCI, FRCGP
Dr John Williams is a Founding fellow of the Faculty of Clinical Informatics (FCI) and a retired General Practitioner (GP).
His main interests are education and training in clinical informatics, interoperability and clinical safety and making sense of real world GP data. He is currently an Honorary Research Fellow in Clinical Informatics and Health Outcomes Group at the University of Oxford as well as being a member of FCI Trustee Board.
He received the RCGP (Royal College of General Practitioners) Foundation Council Award in 2018 for contributions to General Practice Clinical Informatics.
His previous roles include: Chair of the FCI Council, National Clinical Safety Lead for the GP2GP record transfer project (which led to the rapid safe transfer of the full electronic patient record when patients change practices becoming the norm), Co-chair of the RCGP BMA (British Medical Association) Joint GP IT Committee and Clinical Adviser to PRIMIS (a specialist team of health informaticians within the School of Medicine at Nottingham University).
Our events are for adults aged 16 years and over.
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