The PRSB's clinical director introduces its work and standards in this second of a series of webinars on health informatics standards.
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The PRSB work with professionals and patients to determine the information that is needed for good, safe care. PRSB develop national information standards that specify how information should be recorded and shared across the NHS and social care.
When information is recorded in a consistent way, this can then be shared between organisations irrespective of the systems in use or the place in which care in being delivered. Nilesh will provide an overview of the organisation, its suite of standards and its standards development methodology before providing a compelling argument for why standards should be implemented nationally.
This is the second in a series of webinars giving an introduction to a wide range of health informatics standards. The series is aimed at those starting out in the field including clinicians with IT/informatics responsibilities or interests as well as IT/informatics professionals working in either in health and/or social care organisations (both providers and commissioners) or for suppliers/vendors.
About the speaker
Dr Nilesh Bharakhada, Clinical Director for Health and Care, PRSB (Professional Record Standards Body)
Dr Nilesh Bharakhada is a GP partner, Primary Care Networks (PCN) clinical director, Chair of Quality and Clinical Governance for the Hillingdon Integrated Care Partnership (ICP), Co-chair for the RCGP (Royal College of General Practitioners) North West London Faculty and also North West London Clinical Lead for Personalised Care.
As well as being its clinical director, Nilesh has been involved in a number of PRSB care planning projects, and held a national role with the RCGP championing the implementation of collaborative care and support planning.
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This event is brought to you by: BCS Health & Care and the PRSB (Professional Record Standards Body)