Join us for our Annual General Meeting.
5:00pm - Event starts
6:00pm - Event ends
Meeting ID: 865 6645 6397
Passcode: 476055
The Chair will update members on activities during the year, and the Treasurer will describe the finances of the Jersey Branch in particular and the BCS as a whole. The full agenda is under construction and will be circulated in due course. Once the formal business is concluded, we will hold a networking session with drinks and snacks.
After the enforced quiet period due to COVID-19, we have begun to ramp up activities for our members, but we really want to push to get BCS Jersey back to where it was pre-COVID. We are super-keen, then, for everyone to come along with ideas of events and activities you think we could run through 2023. We have budget available for room hire and the like, so please give some thought to what you'd like us to do, whom you'd like us to invite to speak, and so on.
As is required at the AGM, an election of Officers will take place. A number of nominations have been received so far, and members are welcome to nominate others or to put themselves forward for any of the roles.
Each nominee requires a Proposer and a Seconder, both of whom must be members of the BCS, and of course if you nominate/second someone you must confirm with them that they are willing to be put forward!
Nominations are welcomed for the following Offices:
- Chair (1 received so far).
- Vice Chair (1 received so far).
- Secretary (0 received so far).
- Treasurer (1 received so far).
- Committee Member (2 received so far - we can elect any number, so long as those present consider the number sensible).
To nominate a candidate (which could be yourself) please email clearly stating:
- The position for which the candidate is being proposed.
- The candidate's name and BCS membership number.
- The proposer's name and BCS membership number.
- The seconder's name and BCS membership number.
All nominations must be received by 7 days before the AGM, i.e. 5pm on 4 January 2023. Of course, there's no need to be a committee member to suggest and/or run a function, event, talk, etc, so don't think you have to take on the burden of a committee post just to take part!
A proposition has also been made to create a new generic Committee role that is not occupied by an elected individual but which is a "hot seat" to be occupied by a representative of the Channel Islands Information Security Forum / Channel Islands Data Protection Association. BCS Jersey has worked extensively with the CIISF/CIDPA in recent months and years, and given the overlap in membership it will continue to do so, hence the proposition is to create a committee role to forge a formal link. A vote will be included on the AGM agenda.
Please try to make the time to come along on 11 January and help us reinvigorate BCS Jersey after our COVID-induced lull and get a great variety of activities running in 2023.
Our events are for adults aged 16 years and over.
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For overseas delegates who wish to attend the event, please note that BCS does not issue invitation letters.
BCS is following government guidelines and we would ask attendees to continue to also follow these guidelines. Please go to for more information, advice, and instructions.
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