BCS London Central and North London branch

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Developments in control engineering and artificial intelligence are opening the way to a wide range of exciting robotic applications of great benefit to our society. A robot, however, typically relies on a large amount of software that determines its behaviour, which affects and is affected by its environment.

We will present an approach to the design and verification of robotic software that takes into account the assumptions that can be made about that environment. We will explain our approach, and demonstrate the use of two tools for capturing assumptions and proving properties of interest.

About the speakers

Ana Cavalcanti is a Professor at the University of York, and a Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies. She is the leader of the RoboStar centre of excellence on Software Engineering for Robotics. The RoboStar approach to model-based Software Engineering complements current practice of design and verification of robotic systems, covering simulation, testing, and proof. The RoboStar approach is practical, supported by tools, and yet mathematically rigorous so that it can provide reliable evidence of expected behaviour.

James Baxter is a researcher at the University of York. His research interests are in the area of software engineering, particularly formal methods. For the past four years, he has been working on the RoboTest project, developing a verified model-based testing strategy for robotic systems.

Gustavo Carvalho is a lecturer at Centro de Informática of the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Brazil. His main research interest is on Software Engineering, with emphasis on tests and formal methods. He has authored about 30 peer-reviewed publications, besides reviewing papers for international conferences (FM, SEFM, ICTAC, TASE) and journals (SCP, SoSyM, IST, IEEE TSE). In 2021, he served as the chair of the Formal Methods Special Group at the Brazilian Computer Society.

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Webinar: How can we define operational requirements in robotics?
Date and time
Monday 9 May, 6:30pm - 8:00pm
This event is sold out