The 2021 AGM for BCS Health and Care Scotland specialist interest group.


Katie MacLure, Chair, BCS Health and Care Scotland


14:00 - AGM opens
15:00 - Close


The AGM will include the election of new persons to the BCS Health and Care Scotland committee. Roles include but are not limited to; Chair, Treasurer, Equality, Inclusion Officer and Early Years Advocate.

Our events are for adults aged 16 years and over.

All attendees must be BCS members in order to vote or be elected.

AGM documents

AGM Agenda (PDF)
AGM 2020 Minutes (PDF)

This event is brought to you by: BCS Health and Care Scotland specialist group

Webinar: AGM 2021 - BCS Health and Care Scotland
Date and time
Tuesday 19 October, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
This event is sold out