BCSWomen event.
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Gillian Arnold, Hannah Dee, Clem Herman, Sharon Moore, Andrea Palmer and Shilpa Shah
We need more women in tech. It's no longer up for debate.
However, knowing how to make that happen may not be as obvious as some think. And so, in July 2021, "Women in Tech: A practical guide to increasing gender diversity and inclusion" was published, written by 6 women passionate about helping others (especially the male leaders in our industry, of which there are a few!) make the difference that is desperately needed.
Come and meet those authors, hear the story of how the book originated (here's a clue: Gillian Arnold had a great idea!), quiz them about the practical advice they have suggested and their experiences in tech.
This virtual event is open to everyone, and men will be given an especially warm welcome. Join us on Monday 8th November from 6.30pm on Zoom.
This event will be preceded by the BCSWomen AGM at 6pm. Again, all are welcome to the AGM, to hear about our achievements from 2020-2021, and elect our office bearers and committee for 2021-2022.
Our events are for adults aged 16 years and over.
This event is brought to you by: BCSWomen