The accreditation process

If you're interested in delivering our qualifications, take a look at this checklist to get started.

1. Accreditation criteria

There are some key principles that organisations must be able to abide by if they want to become accredited with BCS. You will need to:

  • behave in a way that reflects the BCS values and does not misrepresent BCS
  • ensure that all staff involved in the delivery of BCS qualifications are trained and competent to perform their role
  • keep BCS up to date with training and testing locations
  • ensure that assessments are taken under the required conditions
  • maintain the security and confidentiality of the assessment materials
  • have appropriate quality assurance arrangements in place
  • adhere to BCS policies and have associated provider-level policies in place

Full details of the requirements can be found in the accreditation requirements manual.  

2. Business case

If you're a training organisation wishing to deliver Professional Certifications, you'll be asked to provide a business plan.

3. Contract

Once your business case has been approved, we'll issue you with a contract.

The contract will outline your responsibilities and ours, concerning the delivery of BCS qualifications.

4. Application form

Once you've signed a contract, you'll be sent a link to an online application form.

The application form captures contact details for your organisation, as well as invoicing details and details of the staff involved in your training and exam delivery.

5. Ongoing requirements

Your centre will be subject to audits throughout your accreditation period, which will involve a review of quality assurance systems, pass rates, policies and procedures.  

The audits also identify good practice and provide you with information, advice and guidance on any improvements that need to be made.

Accreditation support

Partnering with us easy - we're on hand to support you throughout the accreditation process and beyond.

Dedicated account manager to guide you through every stage of the process and answer your questions

Support with assessing and licencing your course material

Multiple exam formats to suit your business; online, face to face, via Proctor U

Quarterly training provider forums

Contact us

To talk to us about growing your business, call us on +44 (0)1793 417 445.

‘With IT professionals at the heart of business there is a growing demand for independent certification of their knowledge and capabilities. Our comprehensive certification and career development portfolio supports practitioners throughout their careers.'

Adam Thilthorpe
BCS Director of Professionalism