BCS Fellowship Committee
The Fellowship Committee was formed to promote members to Fellowship, support the assessment process and provide quality assurance for assessing Fellowship applications.
About us
We report to Community Board which is a BCS strategic board, meaning it has delegated authority from Trustees. The principle aims of the Fellowship Committee are to:
- provide the necessary authority for the interpretation of the Fellowship criteria set by the Registrations and Standards Committee.
- objectively review fellowship applicants as the ultimate arbiter to avoid ambiguity in the interpretation of the Fellowship criteria.
- promote members into Fellowship.
- support the assessment process for Fellows.
- provide quality assurance for the assessment of Fellowship applications.
- advise on the nature of communications to Fellows.
- help develop attractive engagement opportunities to the Fellowship to support the delivery of our Royal Charter.
- to promote the significance of BCS Fellowship.
You can find out more about our responsibilities as a committee through our Terms of Reference.