How we’re governed

When it comes to our direction and strategy, an elected Trustee Board makes the big decisions with the help of an advisory council. Let’s break it down a little further.

Trustee Board
Our Trustee Board is our top-level strategy team. Elected by BCS Council and chaired by our President, the team make decisions on our business plan, budget and chairs of subordinate boards.

BCS Council
BCS Council is our advisory board; they’re elected by our members and act as a sounding board for the Trustee Board. Essentially, BCS Council represents our membership – offering advice on our direction, strategy and budget, and providing a key communication channel between the Trustee Board and our members.

A number of boards and committees feed into the Trustee Board and make decisions on various aspects of our management such as employee structure, financial management, code of conduct and how our professional registration is administered.


Each year, our members come together to discuss our progress from the past year, the current challenges we’re facing in the digital sphere and the strategies to help us develop over the next 12 months.